7 Kommentare zu “Community-Vote: Wählt eure Spiele des Jahres 2019!

  1. 1. The Outer Worlds
    2. Slay the Spire
    3. Dragon Quest 11S
    4. The Legend of Zelda Links Awakening
    5. Fire Emblem three Houses

  2. 1. Monsterboy and the cursed kingdom (PC)
    2. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
    3. Resident Evil 2
    4. Judgement
    5. Cadence of Hyrule – crypt of the necrodancer featuring the legend of Zelda

  3. 1 Dragon Quest Builders 2
    2 Katana Zero
    3 Borderlands 2 VR
    4 Metro Exodus
    5 Destiny 2

  4. 5. Devil May Cry 5
    4. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
    3. Borderlands 3
    2. Fire Emblem: Three Houses
    1. A Plague Tale: Innocence

  5. 1. Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order
    2. Resident Evil 2
    3. Call of Duty Modern Warfare
    4. Terminator Resistance
    5. Days Gone